Noun: Basically just a pink ambulance, used in every city to aid rich women who have broken something, can be anything, even a phone.
"Oh no! Amanda has broken a nail! Quick, call a fabulance!
Self-inflicted foot discomfort caused by wearing fabulous, but uncomfortable shoes.
Brianne looked amazing in those heels, but by the end of the night fabulitis had set in once again.
the ultimate complient in the gay community.
Jay: Oh darn, my hair is going frizzy.
Bob: Darling, you look fabulous.
Bob: Darling, you look fabulous.
To have been near or touched by someone who claims that they are fabulous
You have just been Fabulated
The state of being utterly and completely fabulous.
Karen's fabulousness could not be denied. She looked gorgeous in that chic dress and those patent leather pumps.
The ultimate expression of enthusiasm and joy. Characterized by wonder, adoration, inspiration, exhaltation, and love.
I am so full of love for life; Everywhere I go I see beauty, magic and love, and that, is Fabulous.
Is a illness in which all you see is magical rainbow unicorns and every you touch turns into a rainbow coloured duck
Oh no it caught Fabulousness!