

俚语 facebook popular

Facebook popular

Describes a person who is just any old person in real life, but on Facebook, is friends with seemingly everyone and gets tons of likes, etc. on posts.
A: John's a nobody at school... why does he have so many friends? Why does he get so many likes and stuff from the popular kids?

B: I don't know. He's Facebook popular.

Facebook popular

One whom talks and flirts with others on the Facebook website. Usually a nobody in real life. More than likely made to make jokes about on the site. Photo usually appears on reddit later in life.
"She is disgusting. Why would she post a photo of herself with her ratchet boyfriend online, and why is it getting so facebook popular?"
"She is a loser in reality, and all those 'likes' and 'comments' just make herself feel better about herself."
"Oh, that makes sense."
"Yeah, everyone is just liking it because she looks like a horse."




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更新时间:2024/9/21 8:24:19