

俚语 face cheese

Face Cheese

The build up off dead skin and dirt in glasses normally around the nose pads and under the lenses, used buy optical technicians and other staff of the optical business as slang
Check out this face cheese

face cheese

That thin coat of funk that covers a person's phone from face, ear, hand grease or makeup.
Zach wanted me to watch a video on his phone and I could barely make it out through the thick layer of face cheese.

Damn Mom! You need to clean this face cheese! Half your makeup is on this shit!

cheese face

cheese face
(n) The face you make whilst yipped on coke. Characterized by uncontrollable teeth grinding and grinning ear to ear.
Guy 1: Dude, I cant believe Hughes took two grams to his dome last night.
Guy 2: Yeah man, he was totally zooted, he had a power cheese face on all night, it was creeping me out.

cheese face

(n) The face you make whilst yipped on coke. Characterized by uncontrollable teeth grinding and grinning ear to ear.
Guy 1: Dude, I cant believe Hughes took two grams to his dome last night.
Guy 2: Yeah man, he was totally zooted, he had a power cheese face on all night, it was creeping me out.

cheese face

A girl who likes to give head to unwashed dicks.
Her breath smells like crap. No, more accurately, it smells like dick. She's a cheese face.

cheese face

That face kids make when you are trying to take a decent photo of them (to no avail)

- showing all their teeth while squinting their eyes and pointing their head slightly towards the sky
Ok, stopping making the cheese face for a second so I can take your picture.

cheese face

when a strawberry blonde is drunk and does something random.

jill was being such a cheese face last night!




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