

俚语 facedropping


On facebook when you read a conversation that happened between two people that you are not involved in. Similar to eavesdropping but on facebook.
I found out that he's already dating another girl when I was facedropping the other day.


(v) Adding friends on social networking sites for the sole purpose of implied connection (similar to namedropping)
Adding friends on Facebook simply to impress others
Ben: No way you know that dude. You're totally facedropping.

Ben: How annoying is that bitch man? She facedrops like it's her job


To post a picture of yourself with a celebrety on Facebook. Like namedropping, but visual and on FB
Facedropping is using a picture of yourself and Adam Savage from Mythbusters as profile picture on FB


A word made famous by metal band Jagstog.
When running, biking, skiing, or any other fast-paced forward movement that has an unwanted end result of smashing one's face into the pavement, gravel, or other hard/painful surface.

"So I was running down the street and this little Jaggernaut came running out in front of me and i tripped over him...did a facedrop right into the sidewalk."


The act of cyber eavesdropping through an online blog or other interactive website such as Facebook. Entails reading a public conversation that probably has nothing to do with you.
"I was facedropping the other day and saw that (insert name) is dating (insert another name)!"




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更新时间:2024/9/20 14:44:49