

俚语 facist


The wrong way to spell FASCIST, you big dummy.
duhh what was it again?


one who is in love with the face
his nose, his eyes, his ears..ooohhh im a facist!!!


Facist (not fascist) is a part of "Facist Fashion" which declare that certain art, music, fashion and culture cannot be explained by the logic and common sense of human thoughts, but need to be observed and accepted the way it is, in reality, an irrational and uninhibited nature of what is real. In short, Facist is the part of the arts which math and logic can never express.
The scientific community rarely understand Facist Fashion due to the need to rationalize everything it sees.


a person who has a bias against facebook and people who use it. this bias can either be rational or irrational.
"Did you see John's relationship status changed last night? I can't believe they broke up!"

"No, I don't have a facebook..."

"Oh, I didn't realize you were a facist!"

or in the pejorative:

"Sally looks down on all your silly social networking, she thinks it is an ingenuine, artificial way to connect with others as well as a collosal waste of time...She is a true facist!"


a word describing that which prejudices against the sexily challenged, not to be confused with the similarly spelled "fascist"
Person #1: They don't matter; they're ugly.

Person #2: That's facist!


One with a terribly delusional sense of his or her own beauty, importantce, or charisma.
That no-talent facist thinks more than just his mom is coming to his birthday party. Ummmm, delusional.


Noun: Someone who discriminates people with different faces from theirs, much like racism, but with faces.
Adjective: Discriminating people with different faces from the person being facist. Again, much like racism.

Also this is not how you spell fascist.
Person A: Her face looks like shit. I'm not inviting her over to any of my events.
Person B: Hey, that's facist! You're a facist!
Person C: Did I hear Person A was a fascist?
Person B: No no no, FACIST. Not FASCIST.
Person C: Oh. My bad.




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更新时间:2024/9/21 3:31:34