A portmanteau of "Facts" and "Fascism".
A system of governance where you observe and measure objective reality using scientific empirical methods and common sense.
When presenting your findings for debate (along with peer-reviewed analysis), you are then labeled a bigot, sexist, racist, Nazi, and/or every other unwelcome epithet under the sun.
Often accompanied by the onomatopoeic expression of intense rage or frustration typically associated with the Angry Pepe character, aka "REEEEE".
A term liberally applied by those that adhere to a Particular Identity-Based Ideology™.
SEE ALSO: Factscist (noun)
A portmanteau of "Facts" and "Fascism".
A system of governance where you observe and measure objective reality using scientific empirical methods and common sense.
When presenting your findings for debate (along with peer-reviewed analysis), you are then labeled a bigot, sexist, racist, Nazi, and/or every other unwelcome epithet under the sun.
Often accompanied by the onomatopoeic expression of intense rage or frustration typically associated with the Angry Pepe character, aka "REEEEE".
A term liberally applied by those that adhere to a Particular Identity-Based Ideology™.
SEE ALSO: Factscist (noun)
That Right-wing bigot said there's only two genders. That's Factscism! REEEEE!