alternative medicine
somthing dumbass turn to when nothing else works.
that idiot doesn't know that aids is not curable so he went to alternative medicine.
alternative medicine
Modern quackery. Proof that there's always a sucker born every minute.
Alternatve medicine? Since when did amanita toadstools and belladonna supplements become therapeutic?
alternative medicine
Medicine based on alternative facts.
Don't allow Big Pharma to trick you into hormone replacement therapy - cure yourself with alternative medicine instead. There's literally nothing that can't be fixed by a chiropractor.
Alternative Medicine
Medicines or treatments that can used separately from other treatments. In the case of PTSD, an example of an alternative treatment could be Adaptive Disclosure, where different treatments are implemented based on the type of trauma.
As the patient was strongly opposed to man made medications, we suggested the use of an alternative medicine, herbal supplements that had proven to have a similar effect.
Complementary and Alternative medicine (CAM)
The term Complementary and Alternative medicine, simply describes any medical practice or product that is not included in the western worlds definition of standard care.
The 2007 National Health Survey, which included a comprehensive survey of CAM use by americans, showed that approximately 38 percent of adults use Complementary and Alternative medicine (CAM)
alternative medicine
Stuff that is not medicine, and has no medicinal properties, but conspiracy theorists and other dumbasses insist is the REAL medicine, because the entire healthcare field is a sham, or something, and the knowledge of people from 500-1000 years ago when they didn't even have toilets is superior to modern science.
Don't listen to those Big Pharma quacks telling you to get radiation treatment for your cancer, here, drink this soup of tree bark and lemongrass, it's alternative medicine.