

俚语 faggetronic


Electronic music that emobodies the gay male community. It's usually rump-shakin', 80s or synth heavy. IE new Madonna albums, trance, Tatu, prog house, etc.

Can be used negatively or positively depending on the situation. See examples.
1. The music they were playing at the club was pretty faggetronic, but I had a swell night.

2. The new Cut Copy album is totally faggetronic! I love it!


A faggetron means fagget, but it is much more fun to say and is just a sick word. Faggetrons can be anybody, from gay nerds, to sonnenbitch, to searsbitch, to deedles a.k.a eedles, to glick, glick's little brother (who I heard can whoop his ass), a faggetron is anybody who is acting in a faggety sort of way. You can also add numbers on the end of it like "faggetron 3000" for instance of "faggetron 3 million", they all work and are all funny.
"Hey it's 9:00, let's go watch Desperate Housewives and eat some non-fat yogurt."

"Shut up you faggetron."


someone who is a really big loser; not cool; trys hard to be cool; someone who's acting stupid
he is a faggetron because he is acting whack.

faggetron loser

Faggetron Nazi Prince

An insult for a person who looks Aryan and is a complete dickhead.
I'm gonna beat Sunshine's ass.
Yeah dude I hate that guy, he's a fucking Faggetron Nazi Prince.




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更新时间:2024/9/21 11:06:24