

俚语 faggot legs

Faggot Legs

Fai - Git / from latin fagot meaning burning stick
Legs / Common form of transportation

1. One who runs, walks or simply stands in a manner that is insinuating faggotry or douche-baggery.

2. One who is seemingly oblivious to their obvious affliction.

The term faggot legs is a lesser known term, typically used to describe the oblivious turds of society. Although seemingly a jab at latent homosexuality, Faggot Legs has an expandable definition and can encompass a great deal of stupid people doing stupid things. The only stipulation is that they be oblivious to the fact they are doing it.
"Faggot legs over there thinks he's a player and won't stop hitting on me."

"Why does faggot Legs wear such skimpy clothing with such a fat ass?"

Pulpy faggot legs

An insult: To call someone "A fat homo with cellulite" but with more awesome added.
A: Oh man, did you see that flomo? Fucking huge man.
B: SERIOUS pulpy faggot legs right there.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 8:14:53