

俚语 fairy dusted

Fairy Dusted

When you're trying to snort coke off of a hookers ass and she farts and blows it back into your face
Mike: Bro, I was hanging out with this babe last night and she fairy dusted me, bro

Trevor: shoulda punched 'er in 'er fuckin gazers bro

Fairy Dust

A Glittery powder that can provide Magical events, actions or dreams to happen. Only a real Fairy or Pixie has this Dust.
"Sadie must of sprinkled some fairy dust on herself before we left the pad. All these men cant keep their eyes off her and usually she gets no love!"

fairy dust

a random powdered drug that is really good but you have no idea what it is
Damn that fairy dust knocked me out last night.

Fairy Dust

High quality cocaine
"Dude you get any fairy dust for this weekend?"
"Yeah man I got that good stuff"

fairy dust

cocaine, other snortable drugs (white in color)
i need to get a fix of some fairy dust cuz this withdrawal is killin me


An act of protest in the name of Gay Rights where a hater is showered with glitter. For best effect, rainbow colored glitter is used while loudly announcing “STOP THE HATE.”
Sam: Saw all these Con-serves posting comments about what a criminal Robert Erickson is for fairy-dusting Newt Gingrich and his wife.

Ella: The irony--sprinkling them with glitter on he same day the story broke about Newt Blingrich’s enormous bill at Tiffany's.

Sam: Oh, maybe that’s why Newt was smiling in the photo–he must have thought Erickson was a Tiffany Rep declaring him their millionth customer.

fairy dust

When a gay guy lets his semen dry and it gets all flaky.
Gay guy #1: Hey, I kept some fairy dust from earlier.
Gay guy #2: Sprinkle it all over me! It's so magical!




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更新时间:2024/9/21 1:24:46