

俚语 fake skating

fake skate

Somone who appears to be a 'skater boy' but in reality has never actually skateboarded more than moving on the board. They often are weak, stupid, and unpopular people with acne who want girls to like them, but instead make them hate them more.
That guy Jake, he is one fake skate.

Fake skating

To fabricate stuff and lie openly.
she is fake skating about my dick size to her friends

fake skate

Gamers that play skateboarding games like Skater XL. Most of them have their in-game character on Instagram and post footage there. Some of it went over to the mobile app True Skate and other console games like Session.
Adding to the personalities, there are also frake skate "companies" designing downloadable custom content for the games supporting it. Most of them are non profit.
I run a fake skate company.
Tony is a fake skater playing session or skater xl.




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更新时间:2024/9/19 16:58:12