

俚语 fake whore

fake whore

one who dresses or acts like a whore, but can not, in fact, get any.
Ashlee Simpson is such a fake whore.

Fake Whore

A girl who talks like whe will, texts like she will, and most importantly flirts like she will. But in the end, does not do what a man hopes she will.
Susan: Are you going to the party tomorrow?
Bob: Sure, you?
Susan: Yes, and you better be there becuase I'm going to make you feel so good. ;)
Bob: Really?
Susan: YES.

At the party the next day:

Bob goes to grind and possibly make out or more with Susan. In return for putting himself out there he gets a slap to the face.

Susan: WTF are you doing perv?!
Bob: Yesterday you...
Susan: EW! Boys are disgusting.
Bob: But yesterday you said....
Susan: What would ever make you think I'd want that?

Susan once again slaps Bob and walks away.

Bob: What a fake whore.

stupid fake whore

A girl who can't stay true to her friends, people who have been there for her and go behind her back, and don't give a fuck about other people because they are normally also backstabbing, whore because they aren't loyal and like to cheat. Says one thing to your face another behind your back. Normal extremely jelous of you and friends around you.
'aw love you gal'

Then goes behind your back and does something else, "stupid fake whore"

Fake ass whore

Someone who is a badass bitch but can also be fake as fuck and bully there friends
Rachel is such a fake ass whore

Fake ass whore

Someone who calls you there friend but doesn’t notice your not in class all day and asks for a ride home
Bethany is a fake ass whore




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更新时间:2024/9/21 8:38:08