

俚语 fakin the funk

fakin' the funk

When you are pretending to be something you are not, capable of a skill or trait you do not possess, or in some other way misrepresenting yourself. See fronting.
KRS-ONE is an old school rapper who dislikes so-called "Gansta" rappers who are just fakin' the funk.

fakin' the funk

a) going along to get along
b) pretending that everything (in a relationship) is just fine, while plotting an escape
This fool don't know whussup. Ahm jus fakin' the funk until I make my move next month.

fakin' the funk

when you say you are going to do something and you don't stick to it
When a shortie says that she isn't gonna show you her hipbones anymore, but she does anyway.

fakin' the funk

when you say you are going to do something and you don't stick to it
When a shortie says that she isn't gonna show you her hipbones anymore, but she does anyway

fakin the funk

when an indidvidual doesn't show his or her's true personality,individual fails to keep it real
yo dawg i heard yer boi was fakin the funk, biatch




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更新时间:2024/9/20 7:53:34