

俚语 falunky


1. (n.) A man who seems to have show more emotions than your typical man.

2. (n.) A physically weak person.

3. (v.) Lose your ability at something.
1. Bob: "This movie was so sad. I was bawling my eyes out since the 16-minute mark."
Morgan: "What are you talking about!? This movie is literally about a bunch of Emojis."
Bob: "B-but... it's so sad." *cries*
Morgan: "You're such a falunky."

2. Josh: "Yo dude! I was at the gym today and I saw this skinny boy trying to do a pushup."
Tyler: "Haha, dude!"
Josh: "He failed."
Tyler: "What a falunky."
Josh: "I know right?"

3. Miles: "AHHHHHH!"
Phoenix: "What?"
Miles: "M-my prosecuting skills..."
Phoenix: "...?"
Miles: "It went falunky."
Phoenix: "Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!"




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更新时间:2024/9/20 23:17:14