

俚语 fanficts


another word for fan fiction.

aka a fictional story written by a fan about their favorite celebrity, band or athlete.

Most fan ficts often depict romance stories involving the author, band/celebrity and best friend in crazy fictional plots that usually ends up with the author in love with favorite celebrity and best friend in love with her favorite celebrity.
It's quite popular for the celebrity to save the fan in the story or vice versa, but even more popular for celebrities to meet and fall into love when meeting fan either on set of a movie or backstage at a concert.

When it comes to musicians, it's extremely popular for girls to write about their desires, such as being pulled on stage by their favorite band member, being escorted backstage and said band member to profess their love at first sight upon introduction.

Writing fanficts can actually add to the obsession many fangirls have, and once meeting the celebrities written about and seeing their fantasies do not play out as thought, many fans loose interest in said target for some time.
fanficts:"..Bethany flung herself out of the boat to save Joe from the ravishing sharks, but Kevin stopped her just as her foot hit the water. Her best friend Jolie feel into the ice cold water herself, grabbing Joe just before a great white shark grabbed them both. "you saved my life" he said. Jolie smiled, Bethany hugged Kevin. "I love you" professed Joe.


I noticed most of the other definitions here completely trash fanfiction.

First, definition: Fanfiction is when someone takes either the story or characters (or both) of a certain piece of work, whether it be a novel, tv show, movie, etc, and create their own story based on it. Sometimes people will take characters from one movie and put them in another, which is called a cross-over.

Most people who bash fanfiction are not willing to look past the fact that it's based on something else to see that it could be worth reading IF you like the subject. If they don't like the subject, then obviously they are going to automatically dismiss the fanfiction.

It is true, however, that some fanfictions are rather poorly written and only a few hundred words, and it is also true that some people just write them so they can have their favorite characters have sex (lemon). But, if you take the time to find something decent, you can end up with a fanfiction story that is so close to the original piece of art, that you'd barely notice the difference.
Mary decided to write a fanfiction based on a story she had read. She liked the idea of two of the characters as a couple, but it wasn't in the original plot, so she twisted the story around a bit and evolved the characters so that it seemed as though they actually *could* have been together in the first place. (Good example, it's rare that someone does it perfectly but there are some out there)

Sue was so angry that her two favorite characters never got together that she wrote her own story in which the first thing they did was have sex and get married. (Bad example, but sadly sometimes true)


1. Noun; nouns coming before it often act as adjective ("Warhammer 40,000 Fanfiction"). A story based within a pre-existing world, which may or may not include canonical (canon) characters as major or minor actors. Usually also includes non-canon characters, commonly referred to as OCs among the community. Though technically canon characters are also OCs, stories that focus majorly or entirely around OCs are considered 'OC fiction', or 'OC stories.' Many OC stories allow readers to submit their own characters to the story, though it's wise to do some research before hand to avoid having your character butchered.

There are many fanfiction writers out there who do genuinely amazing work with fanfiction, especially with stories which involve no canon characters. It's very difficult to butcher a canon character's personality if they're not present, and it's fairly easy to remain true to lore in most cases.

Unfortunately, there's also a lot of horny idiots who write fanfiction so that they can see their favourite characters having sex, even if there is no way this would ever happen in the source material ever. There's also a fair amount of fics that turn otherwise well-rounded characters into complete Mary Sues (see the fanfiction written for Homestuck's Vriska--actually, don't; I don't want to responsible for making anyone cry), or which completely ignore established canon in favour of headcanon.
1. Fanfiction.net is full of both excellent and terrible fanfiction.
1. I was about to read the Homestuck fanfiction, but then I saw the words "All Vriska ever wanted was to have friends" and threw my computer out the window.

1. I submitted my carefully thought-out, asexual, sociopathic serial-killer OC to an OC story. Three chapters later, she was rescuing babies from wells and kissing random girls, and I was contemplating suicide again.
2. The close-minded asshole refused to even contemplate reading fanfiction, because he thought the above examples were all there is in fanfiction.



A piece of fiction within a fandom utilizing characters and situations from a pre-existing work including (but not limited to) books, television programs, films, and comic strips.

Typically separated into het, slash, and general genres. Often used to play out AU scenarios and/or various romantic pairings not found in the original work.

Distributed via mailing lists, blogs, and zines. Heavily archived online.
Kate writes fanfiction about what would've happened to Jack and Rose had the Titanic not sunk. Poor Kate.


Fiction about characters or settings from an original work of fiction, created by fans of that work rather than by its creator. Usually it is written smut by children with the intelligence of a baby rhinoceros. However there can be some very good fanfics out there that can be sometimes better then the original work.
Now that i think of it Urban Dictionary is essentially a funny fanfiction site.


Something this English teacher heartily approves of as a way for writers to hone their art in a supportive community.
Some of the best stuff I've ever read can be found in the fandom!
some of the longer stuff on quizilla and fanfiction.net


When certain characters of different franchises, movies, or tv shows are used in an OPs story. Some of these are romances, some are au's, some is smut, some are alternate endings and some are grimdarks. Some is bad, some is good, some is okay.

Some popular franchises for fanfiction are Harry Potter, My Little Pony, Pokemon, Naruto.
Stop bullying teenagers over fanfiction and ships (unless they're actually harmful ones). Let them express their creativity in peace and leave them alone!




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