Fanfiction written with the goal of a hot sex scene in mind.
A word invented in error (by The Sci-Fi Bard) that describes exactly what certain fanfiction is about - i.e. SEX
Fanfiction with an 18/NC-17 rating due to sex scenes.
A word invented in error (by The Sci-Fi Bard) that describes exactly what certain fanfiction is about - i.e. SEX
Fanfiction with an 18/NC-17 rating due to sex scenes.
"I only read it cause it was fanfuction and I was horny..."
"I was all worked up and on my own, so I wrote some fanfuction to take the edge off..."
"That Otalia fanfuction was so good I have to go take a cold shower!"
"I was all worked up and on my own, so I wrote some fanfuction to take the edge off..."
"That Otalia fanfuction was so good I have to go take a cold shower!"