

俚语 fanny tap

Fanny Tap

When a girl is on her period and shes bleeding really heavy. Comparing the amount of blood lost to water coming out of a running tap.
Girl 1#: Hey whats up?
Girl 2#: My fanny tap is leaking real bad.

Fanny Tap

When one uses their hand in a tapping motion on a womans fanny area.
Usually when you tap, you say 'Fanny Tap' in a high pitched voice.
Fanny tap is in no way sexual, but just a fun way of getting on someones nerves.
I would love to go over to her a give her a fanny tap.

fanny tap

when you go up to someone and back hand them in the VAGINA!. And makes it itch.
"i gave Meghan the biggest fanny tap today."




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更新时间:2024/9/20 21:30:21