

俚语 fapfuck


fapfuck is term meaning to masturbate. It also means a stupid or contemptible person. Alt forms are f4pfv3k, f4pfvck, masturbating fuck, shit-masturbate, fuck-masturbate, jerk off, beat off, fap off, master off, mastur off, masturbate, masturbate off, masturbate on, masturbate in, hard off of masturbation, masturbation, erection-masturbate, ere-masturbate, fuck, tit-masturbating, pen-masturbating, wet dream, dry dream, clean dream in the ass and then masturbating, fap, and fapping
1. Tom: No one is supposed to see someone fapfuck on the TV!

John: Yeah!
2. Richard: I didn’t know that fapfuck doing shit or known as bullshit all the time…




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