

俚语 fappulous


Taking and combining the words/phrases of "would hit it", "fap fap fap" etc etc and making the ultimate combo. Fappulous!

Look at that ass, it's fappulous!


When a man is bored like they so often are on a day off and the wife or girlfriend is at work and he is alone with the computer and millions of porn sites. The man will masturbate not once or twice but maybe 18 or 18 times in an 8 or 10 hour span to the point where he can't ejaculate any further and possibly results in blisters.
Man "Dude can I come over and play xbox?"

Dude 'Sure, why?'

Man "I had a day off work and the wifey wants to get cozy and cuddly but I got fappulence! She'll know somethings up!"

Dude 'Oh shit son! Come over then.'


n - the act of masturbating to the highest class of material available.
Lord Macartney was impeached for Acts of Fappulation


the stench one gets when you over indulge yourself in self pleasure.
That dudes been watching a lot of porn you can smell his fappulence from across the room




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