

俚语 farping


To eat cum out of your partner's butt after anal sex.
There was some serious farping going on after Mike and Angelos had anal last night.


To produce a burp that smells like a fart.
"Dude, that is sick. Was that you?"
"Yeah, sorry, it was a farp"


a farp is when someone burps and farts at the same time, can often happen accidentally or purposefully

farpers should be held in great regard for the skill required to co-ordinate different bodily noises
"After drinking a soda and having mexican food for dinner Jon was rather gaseous and farped many times."


to fart and fap at the same time.
Person A: Duuude, I was totally fapping to some porn, but i totally farped in the middle of it.

Person B: Awkward.


To fart and burp at the same time
Man, after that garlic pizza last night, I let a farp and I couldn't tell which end smelled worse!


The article of clothing worn by fat women in lieu of a sweater. It's too big to be a shawl...it can be most accurately described as a fabric tarp.
Is that a king size comforter? No, that's Big Bertha's farp.


A synonym to the more common term "sharting," the sum of shitting and farting.
fart + poop = farp
can be used as a noun or a verb
"Shit man, I think I just farped my dress."

"Dude, I just farped so hard that my butt fell out!"




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