fart guessing game
A highly-disgusting (or hugely uproarious, depending on who you talk to, and also depending on whether you're da "performer" or da "audience") round of verbal-and-then-anal "conversation" in da form of a beamingly-playful riddle-type question from Person A, a naive lack-of-ideas response from Person B, and then a loud/voluminous whizzpopper from Person A. Said "dialogue" session is intended to make a big deal about da fact dat Person A had a really great butt-splutter "saved up and ready", so dat said "valuable" colon-burble wouldn't just "go to waste" and not be adequately noticed.
Person A (eagerly, with a big ol' grin): Hey, guess what!!!
Person B (unsuspectingly): What?!
Person B (disgustedly): Yeah, yeah, yeah --- I mightuh known --- just another fart guessing game, and I fell for it! :P
Person B (unsuspectingly): What?!
Person B (disgustedly): Yeah, yeah, yeah --- I mightuh known --- just another fart guessing game, and I fell for it! :P