Being so scared you fart
“When you jump scared me, I was so Fartified!”
v. far·ti·fied, far·ti·fy·ing, far·ti·fies
To hold in a fart, as:
a. To strengthen anus and secure (a fart) with fartifications.
b. To reinforce anus by adding material.
c. To impart physical strength or endurance to the anus; invigorate.
d. To give emotional, moral, or mental strength to the anus; discourage farting: Prayer fartified us during our crisis.
e. To strengthen or enrich (food, for example) the anus, as by adding vitamins.
To hold in a fart, as:
a. To strengthen anus and secure (a fart) with fartifications.
b. To reinforce anus by adding material.
c. To impart physical strength or endurance to the anus; invigorate.
d. To give emotional, moral, or mental strength to the anus; discourage farting: Prayer fartified us during our crisis.
e. To strengthen or enrich (food, for example) the anus, as by adding vitamins.
“Please fartify the room before the guests arrive for the fart-fetish orgy we are having this evening, dear husband.”
A good long fart wherein you feel much better afterwards.
That was a fartifying release of excess gas.
Similar to a fog machine but your ass hole
Dude I can hardly sit here anymore. My eyes burn.
I'm sorry dude I set my fartifier to max capacity.
I'm sorry dude I set my fartifier to max capacity.