A greek word used by greek swag people. It is someone who goes through multiple phases (usually based on what is in fashion). It's not necessarily bad, but it can be annoying to be a poser every. Single. Year. (This is the male form of the word, the female one is fasaia.)
-"yo dude have you seen Harry? I swear he was like an e-boy last year when it was in fashion. And now he's "goth". He doesn't even like goth music."
-"yeah bro he's such a fasaios"
-"yeah bro he's such a fasaios"
a greek word used and created by swag greek kids. it means someone who goes through multiple phases based on what is in fashion/ a poser (not necessarily a bad thing, but it can be annoying.) this is also the singular masculine word of it.
-"Yo dude have you seen Poo Pee? He was an eboy and now he is alt? damn such a poser."
-"Yeah, such a fasaios"
-"Yeah, such a fasaios"
A greek word that swag greek people use to describe someone who goes through multiple phases (not necessarily bad but it can be annoying sometimes)
-"Yo did you hear about Joanna? Last year she was a VSCO girl and now she is "alt"."
-"Yeah, she is such a fasaios".
-"Yeah, she is such a fasaios".