

俚语 fat day

Fat Day

(n) a day where you feel fat. its not your period...its not that mcflurry and vodka you mixed together last night, its just a fat...day..

-you feel like an oompah loompah trapped inside of the Pepperidge Farm. but its okay, cuz everyone has them.

-just grab a pair of sweats and one of those t-shirts you

you got for free at your soccer camp...and lets rock

these rolls, baby!
Amelita "eww..whats she wearing?"

Carlos "her sweats and a soccer shirt!"
Amelita "ohhh...."
(together) "FAT DAY!!! WOOOHOOO!!!"

Fat Day

A day of the week/month in which you deside you will eat whatever you want, usually including your friends in it.
When we get to the cinema, we're having a fat day! We'll buy huge popcorn packs and tons of jellies!

Fat Day

1. The act of taking a random day off from school and using your weight and/or size as your excuse.
2. The act of taking a day off of gym class due to the activity or just pure laziness due to your morbid obesity.
Hey man, we're running in gym today. I think I'll take a fat day.

Friday Fat Day

The last day of the business/school week, otherwise know as Friday, is a day where all may indulge in "fatty" foods without remorse of keeping a diet. It may also be looked upon as a day to look forward to relax, and release one's stress by eating "fatty foods".
Sadie: OMG I'm so stressed. I wish I could eat a whole tub of Ice Cream

Priya: Wait what day is it?

Sadie: Friday?


*Both go and indulge in cookies n' cream ice cream*

fat ruby days

A day or length of time in your past that you find super embarrassing and would prefer no one to rember them
Rebecca: "Rember when every day you would wear those lime green sweatpants

Megan: "Yes, those where my fat ruby days, please forget that!"

Fat ass day

Also known as thanksgiving, a day where we forget about the rules of portions and stuff ourselves with plenty of good food.
person 1: Happy thanksgiving
person 2: I rather call it happy fat ass day
person 1: YOUR GONNA stuff yourself?
person 2: hell yeah <3

fat nuts day

a day where all the men and women and children with fat ass nuts gather at the cum house
person1: ayo what day is it today i see ur nuts dragging to the floor.

person2: thats because its international fat nuts day honky!!




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