

俚语 fatmanic


Someone who has had fatman dropped on them
Little girl: why does that guy look so ugly and sad.
Dad: He must be fatmanic


A human atomic bomb.

Usually in the form of a sneak jump attack.
He stole my spot on the couch!

So fatman him.


a fat dump who incessantly eats wings until he sweats his bald ass head to a shine and drinks so damn much that he embarasses anyone who tries to compete with him. hes the best at everything there ever was: hes got the shot of kobe, feet of pele, arm of peyton manning, and swing of bonds. FTFM.
Who the hell is that bald fuck over there? Oh wait, its just the fuckin' fatman.


*The codename for the atomic bomb that was dropped on Hiroshima on August 6th, 1945.

*The man of a character in MGS2; he's basically a fat-ass albino in a thick, highly-advanced EOD (Explosive Ordnance Disposal) BDU (Battle Dress Uniform), and is armed with an infinite quantity of C4's and a Glock 18. He looks and sounds like he could be a mafioso criminal or something......given his weight, he'd be more like a crimelord.
"Laugh and grow fat!"


Simple, a guy who is fat.
Stu: "Sup fatman?"
Jake: "Not much."
Stu: "Mate, lose some of that flab!"
Jake: "No it keeps me warm!"


The fat dude wiv the batman mask and the dildo out of Fat Pizza.
Paulie: "OMG!!It's that stooge FATMAN!!!"
Bobo: "He stole my pizza's get him!!"
Paulie "orright, il bash that stooge if when we get back, we disscuss my payrise!!"
Bobo: "Ok, go!!"
Paulie leaves
Bobo: "hehe, payrise, he falls for the same trick every year!!"

fatman belch

When a teenaged female burps so loud it resembles the burp of a man who just ate 20 hot dogs.
Ash: buuurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrpppppppp!

Charlene: Oh Ash come on you're a young lady you shouldn't be burping like that.

Quintin: Yeah Ash, that was a fatman belch.




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