

俚语 a maggot dick

A Maggot dick

A maggot dick is then your penis is so cold and freezing it’s shrivelled up so much you that when you go for a wee it’s a race to Peel it back before it’s to late -this can also hurt with it being so cold.
“I’m bursting for a piss mate”
“ go behind that tree then”
“Oh fuck sake I’ve got A Maggot dick right now quick quick peel it back before I piss everywhere and all over my pants”

maggot dick

a term meaning a very white and small penis
boy: you maggot dick
boy 2: thats effed up

maggot dick

White men's penis size...resembles an actual maggot. White and small.
Woman: "I can't feel anything!"
White man: "Huh, but I'm inside of you??"
Woman: Get off me, maggot dick!"

Dick Maggots

Those little bugs that crawl around the end of your knob screaming “Skiddley doo doo”. Dick maggots are all homosexual so they love bareback.
Far out my Dick Maggots are itchy!!




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更新时间:2024/9/20 15:09:22