Lard in a bottle
Hey, I saw you bought that high cholesterol FatSauce, complete with the natural goodness of pure fat.
A stout stub of cotton standing 2 feet tall and clad in a blue jacket with red lining. 1 of the 3 buttons is defective. It cannot move or talk without the aid of a nearby Human (Benito). It normally has a jerkish attitude and is lazy as hell. Currently Crowned Miss Teen USA and is awaiting the Billion dollars promised to him.
A term referring to whitish/brownish/pinkish/endless possibilities fluid produced in the reproductive organs. Sometimes it comes in different flavors such as strawberry, chocolate, and milk. Synonyms: Fuck Fuck, Fuck Fag, Fag Fuck, Maverick.
Fatsauce. Fuck Department. Maverick