

俚语 faucied


Noun. pronounced "Faw Cheed" to be deceived,, cheated, swindled or misled by those in authority, often a public official, often for greed or other nefarious purposes.
Oh man, how'd you get faucied? I thought you were awake? Man that huckster is a charlatan, he faucied me out of my money.


(adjective, may be used as a noun) : a well reasoned response, with informed and cohesive decision making during a stressful and emotionally inflammatory situation that requires intellect, discipline, emotional intelligence and insight or ability to provide effective guidance
Well done, that was so fauci of you OR such a fauci move


Unit of length, equivalent to 6 feet.

Originated during COVID-19 virus when Dr. Anthony Fauci, M.D., NIAID Director, recommended a safe distance of 6 feet apart to curb the spread of the virus.
Them: Hey, wanna take this off of Bumble.com and meet up this week?

Me: Yeah I'm down! I want to keep it socially distant though, maybe in the park and approximately 1 fauci apart?


To end a romantic relationship based on one's view of social distancing, vaccination views, or other opinions based on the COVID-19 pandemic.
She is a great person and fun to chill with, but I had to Fauci her.


To flip flop; to change the rules to benefit a person or organization; to misdirect or mislead a person or group
"You said you were buying lunch today! Don't Fauci on me!"


(verb) To give conflicting messages all of impending despair, in matters of utmost importance.
"How to tell a Fauci?"

example: If things go well, and were all vaccinated, you will still need to wear masks all day or for most of the day, even though they probably don't work.


to confound others with erudite facts
In response to questions regarding insider trading, Zucker could fauci Congress so well, none caught that he failed to answer the question. The IRS code is written for those who know how to fauci.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 12:22:58