Pronounced \\fo-"fan-'&-tE\\
words that resemble profanity but you aren't using cuss, curse or swear words.
words that resemble profanity but you aren't using cuss, curse or swear words.
Fauxfanity includes using...
"freak" or "frik" instead of "fuck"
"darn" instead of "damn"
"heck" instead of "hell"
"shoot" or "crap" instead of "shit"
"butt" or "arse" instead of "ass"
"betch" instead of "bitch"
"B.S." instead of "bullshit"
"freak" or "frik" instead of "fuck"
"darn" instead of "damn"
"heck" instead of "hell"
"shoot" or "crap" instead of "shit"
"butt" or "arse" instead of "ass"
"betch" instead of "bitch"
"B.S." instead of "bullshit"