

俚语 fawaaz


Fawaaz is a cool guy he is good looking and a good person by heart . His manhood can get really hard sometimes and can only be subdued by a hard blowjob or hardcore fuck
Amanda- You have found yourself an Fawaaz (while thinking about his hard dick)


Fawaaz is a word used to describe Indian cultured people. People who are called "fawaaz" are usually Indians undercover pretending to be from other countries, for example: "Hi my names fawaaz, I'm from Mauritius" usually this means they are from India. You can usually detect a Fawaaz by looking at their eating schedule which consists of lots of curry. A fawaaz will try to fit into a community by liking things other people like, for example in the UK they might pretend to be interested in football and support popular teams like arsenal to fit in.
Fawaaz: I'm from Mauritius

Me: no you are from India
Fawaaz: I must go...


the word used to describe drugs like: cocaine, crack, heroine, marijuana, extasy
Yo last night i smoked a fawaaz and that felt good like a mofo!


Fawaaz is the type of guy that would listen to all of your troubles and help you with them. Hes rly good looking and has a kind heart. His manhood has basically infinite stamina and can't get subdued unless he wills it. He enjoys blowjobs or a hardcore fuck but he also loves cuddles. He likes holding hands and hugging basically like a big teddy bear. Beneath his shirt the guy is ripped as hell. You can tell him anything and he'll listen and keep it a secret. He will always have your back and will support you through your hardest times.
Hazel, you really found yourself a Fawaaz




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更新时间:2024/9/21 3:37:31