Achronym for Furball Best Friend; A well fawned of friend, when at rest, resembles a ball of fur.
My dog, Gizmo is my FBBF.
(Face Book Best Friend). (n) a person that you do not know at all, but for some reason feel the need to respond to any number of your posts as a close friend.
Sally: No feeling 100% percent today.
FBBF: I am so sorry to hear that.
Sally: Thanks, to my newest FBBF.
FBBF: I am so sorry to hear that.
Sally: Thanks, to my newest FBBF.
A boyfriend that is only existent on FB and is only FB official.
Sarah:So your my FBBF now?
Brett:Yepp if you will accept my relationship request.
Brett:Yepp if you will accept my relationship request.
Your boyfriend on facebook. He could live very far away, be in a relationship, or both. You trade messages and emails but never see each other in person.
I'm single, but I'm in love with my fbbf.