Far Distance Disorder - happens when you see a guy/girl from far away thinking that he/she is hot, but turns out otherwise.
Wow, that girl looks fine! (after a closer look) Oh, it's just FDD.
‘Fuck the Drugs’
As mentioned in ‘FDD’ by Jasiah
As mentioned in ‘FDD’ by Jasiah
‘Man, you gotta stop. FDD.’
Faith driven development. A form of software engineering practice where prayers are used before pushing software to production instead of QA and rigorous testing.
We removed our testing and QA team and have now adopted FDD to be more agile.
First Date Dick Suck
When you get a blowjob on the first date the girl is then referred to as an FDDS.
Eat The Butthole For Din Din
We will ETB FDD tonight.
Acronym for "first date dumper." Describes a woman willing to engage in anal intercourse after only one date.
I can't believe I was able to FDD woman's name
Acronym for "first date dumper". Describes a woman willing to engage in anal intercourse with a man after only one date.
I can't believe I was able to FDD woman's name.