February 5
The best people were born on this day.
It’s February 5
Ohh if this day hadn’t come the world would be terrible
Ohh if this day hadn’t come the world would be terrible
February 5
If you were born on February 5, you know what you want, and you get it! Don’t EVER mess with someone born on this date they are most likely the creepiest of the friend group. A person born on this date is also prettiest.
You were born on February 5? Oh I won’t mess with you!
February 5
if you're born that day youre officially a BIG DICK BOY
oh he was born february 5. they must have a nine incher.
February 5
This day is where we celebrate our pet curing our depression! Now get your lazy self and spend more time with your pet!
Dog:woof woof *licks owners tears*
*owner giggles*
Owner:can't wait for February 5th!
*owner giggles*
Owner:can't wait for February 5th!
February 5
This is the day where every Gemini has to ask out a girl they think is hot and if they said yes they are a keeper of they said no it's for the best
Bro 1: aye ask your crush out
Bro 2: um why?
Bro 1: it's February 5th!
Bro 2: um why?
Bro 1: it's February 5th!
February 5
Ask your crush out its february 5th hey its february 5 ask your crush out
go ask your crush out its february 5th
February 5
If you were born on this day.. go back to sleep no1 likes you.
Its february 5 but that means nothing to me