

俚语 fecalation


the state obtained during or following an extremely satisfying bowel movement.

the orgasmic feeling of releasing pent up feces. due to either the need to clench for extended time or constipation.
you just drove across the state and spent twenty minutes in the can, why are you smiling?

after 5 hours on the interstate and a thermos of coffee, i'm in fecalation!


The act of spreading feces on foreign objects.
"I was so angry at that asshole that I decided to fecalize his house!"


A metaphysical device that functions by taking taking perfectly good situations and turning them to shit.

While fecalators have never actually been seen, such devices must exist in order to explain situations where everything seems to go to Hell.
Alphonse: "Hey, Gaston! Is the copier up?"

Gaston: "Naw. Someone must of left the fecalator on."


1. fecal (adj.): of, relating to, or resembling feces
2. fecal (adj.): of or relating to the 'fecus'--the deeper region of the anus, where the feces reside
3. fecal (noun): feces (short for 'fecal-matter')
4. fecal (noun): a shitty handprint (pronounced fee-kal) - this is presumably a combination of the two terms 'fecal' and 'decal'
1. "Most people believe that it is impossible to subsist on fecal matter, but this is simply not the case!"; "this chocolate bar is disturbingly fecal in appearance"
2. "Bryan can't resist stuffing a finger or two while he masturbates... He's always giving himself the ol' 'fecal-teeckle'"
3. "holy lord, Bryan, stop eating that sandwich and go wash your hands!.. You've got fecal all over them!"
4. "Hahaha, Smitty got drunk last night, filled a bucket full of his own feces, and ran around campus slapping fe-cals on every car windshield he could find"


When a normal conversation turns into poop jokes
Before we knew it, the conversation was riddled with fecalism.


The act of excreting fecal matter out of ones anus. i.e. to shit
Man, I got to get to the bathroom before I fecalate in my pants.


(also as a verb) to fecal.
After I ate those fish sticks and ice ceram I needed to fecal like mad.




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