

俚语 federation


Federation is a Yay area hip hop/rap group. Theyre that one that popularized hyphy, even tho keak da sneak used it first, it wasnt big until federation an e40 made it like that. They got some good shit out there so go check up on it an see if u like it.
Up here in tha Yay we be kickin it an gettin hyphy ta some Federation shit. yeah...


An organization formed by merging many groups or a union of political organizations. Having many provinces or areas join but have management of themselves
Russia is a federation

A federation would be like America, if all of the states governed themselves


When a player in professional tennis is thrashed solid by Roger Federer.
Tennis hopeful 'I lost, I just got federed'


To completed dominate someone in any sport or event, particularily tennis. Originates from Roger Federer ,the current top player in the world and perhaps of all time. To truly "federize" someone you must not only dominate them, but also dominate them with class and style.
Dude, you totally federered that guy with your backhand!

AWWWW man, Walt just federized my ass at Halo. I couldn't walk three steps and my guts were smeared across in the screen in a horrid, yet poetic manner.


Someone who snitches on another person or group of people.
Yo, you fuck with Johnny?
Nah, that nigga's federal.


To completely dominate another player in any sport or game, particularly in tennis. Originates from Roger Federer, the master of Federization
1) Jeff: Man, I just federized this n00b in Call of Duty

2) Bob: Andy Murray just got federized


1. Short for Roger Federer, the current top-ranked tennis player worldwide

2. Can also be used to describe how badly somebody got beaten at tennis
1. Roger Federer dominates tennis.

2. *random tennis player* got federered by Roger Federer




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