

俚语 feet up

feet up

refers to how thugged out someone is, comes from the sayin G'd up from the feet up.
Thug: I'm a pop that chain if you dont step aside.

Sandbag: I'm sorry sir heres my wallet dont hurt me.

Bystander: Damn that dude is feet up.

six feet up

Living high, no matter who or what is trying to keep you down.
"I know Josh doesn't like me, but I don't care. I'm living six feet up in everything"

g'd up from the feet up

Pimped out to the max. Starting with the shoes, most likely Bruno Maglis, to the Zanella slacks, Nat Nat shirt and Kangol brim.
Leon walked into the club g'd up from the feet up. All the women turned their heads his way as he strolled to the bar.

g'd up from the feet up

Dressed with impeccable taste. Usually refering to formal wear.

See also wordGQ or wordclean
I went to the wedding g'd up from the feet up, in hopes of impressing the ladies.

beat up from the feet up

Used to describe someone who has sexually been around the block a time or two. Or ten. Has a high likelihood of having at least one STD as well.
Dude did you see that chick Jason took home last night?

That bitch was beat up from the feet up, I wouldn't touch it with a ten foot pole.

g'd up from the feet up

dressed so good when u walk into a club people can only stare
Nene was g'd up from the feet up ll the guys wanted to tap her ass!!!

g'd up from the feet up

The act of being clothed in gang related garb.
The term comes from a Snoop Dogg song; "g'd up from the feet up, blue'd up from the shoes up..."




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更新时间:2024/9/20 7:05:04