

俚语 felica


a super cool chick who loves to party and hang out has many friends and is very like able
dude 1:man felica is so cool

dude 2: i know


1)A girl that is a slut. She is a fat girl, that lies repeatedly. She would be on any boy's dick. She's also a bitch, that can't fight anyone.

2)A very ugly girl, that never leaves her house.

3)A girl that was played, and used. That can't admit she is a skank.
"Aw man did you see that Felica? That shit is nasty."
"I just Felica that girl!"


A ghetto or ratchet person that loves attention. She hates being alone and is an amazing person to be around.
#BYE felica

Bye felica

When someone annoying or irrelevant is talking to you and they have to go, and say bye, they become felica, because Felica is an annoying/Irrelevant person so when they have to leave you say "bye Felica".
Thot: Hey!
Person: Oh it's you again.
Thot: *Goes on about stuff*
Thot: I have to Go!
Person: Bye Felica!


An amazing pet care platform
Guy 1: I've tried pet care platforms and I'm not satisfied with any. Can you suggest me one?

Guy 2: It is not Felica care, it's not Felica care


A one stop destination for all pet need and Pet parenting known for their curated collection, eco-friendly toys and continuous support to pet parents through care. Felica is meant for their never ending love and passion toward pets and improving pets lifestyle.
Felica is every pet parent favourite as felica leave no stone Unturned in satisfying pet parents.


Pets best friends
Bruno always wants to hang out with Felica.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 17:29:48