

俚语 felk's


To engage in a sexual act. A dialectal variant of "f*ck".
Yo, Johnny did you felk that broad from the bar lastnight?


Acronym for Facts Equal Liberal Kryptonite. Used by the radical right wing fringe to imply that progressives or liberals cannot handle the truth and do not have the facts.
"Treefriend is a bigger felk than Jessie Jackson Jr."


Felke is a type of animal who lives deep inside the wood, and who isn’t afraid to becomes your friend. Their usually so nice that they’ll make you feel special like your their best friend. But really they just do it to get cake or sprite. They have a special talented witch is to eat hamsters and pull out tampons. You definitely do not need a Felke in your life but if you get a chance i guess you wont say no.
omg what you changed your tampon so fast almost like a Felke


1.elk feeler
2.elk molester
Joanne "you damn felk"
Ralph waxy diggles Martinez "but he likes it!"


The best friend you could ever ask for, Felke is kind, smart, caring, and full of energy. She loves making people laugh cause she knows how funny she is. She gives people new chances but knows when enough is enough. She gives the best advice and always knows if something is wrong and overall has an amazing personality you rarely find.
Person 1: Who is that?
Person 2: That’s Felke she’s amazing!
Person 1: Omg i want her to be my friend!


Felke is one of the best friends you could ever ask for. She’s kind, really smart, caring, and always knows how to make people laugh cause she knows how funny she is. She gives people new chances but knows when enough is enough. Felke has an amazing personality you rarely find in people, and is overall a fun person to be around with.
Person 1: Who is that?
Person 2: That’s Felke she’s amazing!
Person 1: Omg i want her to be my friend!




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更新时间:2024/9/20 8:15:53