

俚语 fennell


A last name typically reserved for the awesome, artistic bitches of the world. Though it is English at first glance, a Russian married into the surname long ago and to the Motherland, this name now rings true.Though no one ever properly pronounces this beauty of a name (Fah-nell), its owner holds no grudge against the violator of the sanctity of the name. This name goes well with first names like Laura or Rose.
"I wanna be like ________ Fennell when I grow up."


Fennell the name of the of the great and wonderful Ian fennell and his buetiful son barry fennell. Ian fennell is a hard buetiful man who can do many of things like take over the world and fly a plane. His son barry fennell is a god because of his beauty.
I love barry fennell
I'm going to commit a fennell


To undertake a dispicable act.
'I caught the dirty little so-and-so fenneling the other day'.


A moniker for the word anus. Fennel is a vegetable available at most supermarkets, which just so happens to share the PLU code as anise: a similar vegetable. Anise sounds like anus, which is why fennel=anus.

Note: the PLU code is 4515, which is also used in place of the word anus.
Kevin: Did you pick up any fennel at the supermarket?
Mark: No, that's disgusting.


1) fennel is another word for a piece of ass
2) fennel can be used in place of the word "fuck"
3) fennel is a veggie and seed
1) Saxum: There is some nice fennel over by the fresh rack.
Caughron: Word.

2) Caughron: What the fennel is going on?


when the dirtiest man alive (john fennell) fucks you in the ass.
grant crider fennelled a six year old last night


A solid substitute for the word fuck when it can't be used
That guy fennels hard. He looks fenneling good in that Garin cashmere sweater.




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