feralds are very dangerous and cancerous. they sit on chairs attached to doors while eating a salad that’s spoused to make them healthy (which never works). watch out, by night she turns into the WOLF. SHE EATS ALL UR FOOD AND SITS ON IT TAKES UR CHILDREN. then by day struts around being a trampoline. her linda’s are bigger than ur head so watch out! they’ll smack you and knock u out. then u will have no food left over because her linda’s eat all of it
example 1: ugh man feralds linda’s knocked me out again
example 2: last night ferald sat on my doritos and munched on them
example 2: last night ferald sat on my doritos and munched on them
feralds are very dangerous and cancerous. they sit on a chair hanging on a door while eating a salad (which is supposed to make u healthy but that plan failed). feralds at night time turn into WOLFS. THEY COME TO UR HOUSE AND EAT UR FOOD AND SIT ON IT AND EAT UR CHILDREN. also their linda’s are bigger than ur head and can knock u out. then their linda’s will eat ur food and strut away. feralds are a trampoline also. very fun to use. but they’re stupid and say very loud things and breath heavy. all in all feralds are bad to humanity.
example 1: ugh man ferald knocked me out again with her fat linda’s
example 2: yoooo ferald just ate my dorito bag whole :(
example 2: yoooo ferald just ate my dorito bag whole :(