If you're a huuuge fan of Fergie's from bep and you try to copy her style and buy the same stuff you see her wearing, and freak out when you see her or the Peas on tv?... then you are Fergified!
- call articles of clothing 'Fergie pants' or 'Fergie hat'
- paint your nails black and insist it's not gothic, it's Fergie-ish
- wear bangles up to your elbows
- use the word 'Fergie-ish'
- rock Adidas!!!
- try to educate your family about Fergie or the Peas
- do your hair like Fergie's
- represent the LA fingers...even though you're not from LA...but from the East Coast
- copy her moves
- make those shirts she wears from pantyhose
- mix patterns/styles to create the ultimate look
- scraaaammme whenever you see Fergie on tv
- talk like Fergie
- wear heels with knee-highs
- want arched eyebrows
- relate everything to Fergie
- are willing to stand in line for 6 hours if it guarantees you a spot in the very front at a bep concert, so you can see Fergie upclose
- travel to a different city to see the Peas
- want to put dice on your Frankie B. jeans a la My Humps
-your mom is annoyed with ya always talking bout bep
If you answered 'yes' to most of these, you are officially FERGIFIED!
- paint your nails black and insist it's not gothic, it's Fergie-ish
- wear bangles up to your elbows
- use the word 'Fergie-ish'
- rock Adidas!!!
- try to educate your family about Fergie or the Peas
- do your hair like Fergie's
- represent the LA fingers...even though you're not from LA...but from the East Coast
- copy her moves
- make those shirts she wears from pantyhose
- mix patterns/styles to create the ultimate look
- scraaaammme whenever you see Fergie on tv
- talk like Fergie
- wear heels with knee-highs
- want arched eyebrows
- relate everything to Fergie
- are willing to stand in line for 6 hours if it guarantees you a spot in the very front at a bep concert, so you can see Fergie upclose
- travel to a different city to see the Peas
- want to put dice on your Frankie B. jeans a la My Humps
-your mom is annoyed with ya always talking bout bep
If you answered 'yes' to most of these, you are officially FERGIFIED!
When you exaggerate a song so much that it doesn't sound good or like the original. Named after Fergie's 2018 basketball national anthem.
"Did you see Fergie sing the national anthem?"
"Yeah. She totally fergifyed it."
"Yeah. She totally fergifyed it."