

俚语 fhdfhgdy


Luke's opinion: Wow, what are the odds that you actually found this? Pretty damn slim! thats what that is!!!!

Nick's opinion: Wow, what are the odds that you actually found this? pretty damn high! YOU HAVE NO FUCKING LIFE YOU FAGGOT GET OFF THE COMPUTER AND DO SOMETHING WORTH WHILE!!!!!!!!
but congratz you are the first fag to find this
Guy 1: I'm gonna go type in random shit on the internet!!!
Guy 2: uuhhh ok thats cool cuz like thats what we do nowadays cuz we're so cool like that and so totally awesomo cuz we type in random shit on the computer and stuff. Chicks totally dig us for this and will be sucking our penis's by the time i'm done typing this, we're so cool.
Guy 1: (types fhdfhgdy)
*reads definition
(crys deeply)

wow if you really took the time to read that.. wow ...justwow




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更新时间:2024/9/21 8:14:46