

俚语 fibbling


the art of fore-skin nibbling
oh man check that chick nibble that guys fore-skin, they call her the fibbling queen


Occurred through mis-usage of the name Fibbles. Is commonly used as a replacement for swear words. Fibbles usually asumes the ending of the word that it is replacing.
Fibble off you fibbling fibbler!

Shut the fibbles up!


a clear mastermind of online games. no matter what games he/she plays they will rape it up big style. you can see these fibble's in action in such games as call of duty 2, quake 3 and ofcourse the true fibble favourite.. quakeworld.

amen brutha, a-motherfuckin-men
- "Holy mother fucking shit that fuz guy is a deffinite fibble."

- "That guy is such a fibble i actually LOL'd irl m8s"


To tinker around in a given area of thought in order to create something new.
I fibbled around with the English Language and came up with the word fibble


in reference to a person or thing which inflicts the urge to dish out affection and love and give it all of your money and compliments
man, painty is so Fibble


Generally used as a synonym "lol", and only used by 10 yr. old slores that have no life.
DEF #2: also used to tell people to back the fuck up.
User 1: Your Gay!!!
User 2: FiBBle!!! ROFL!!! LOL LOL LOL!!!1oneone!!!11!

DEF #2
User 1: Your Gay!!!
User 2: Fibble It up BITCH!! ILL PWNZ J0o Pretty @$$ SLORE SLORE SLORE!!!oneoneone!!11!!!!1111

Fibble Dibble

fibble dibble is a phrase used by landaners and yorkies, and ish really great. People with fuzzy hair usually say it. It means something is really cool beyong belief!
Wow, that looks fibble dibble!!!!




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