

俚语 fice


The word fice is an abbreviation of the term f***ing nice.
Hey man, where dat jacket from?
From that thrift shop down the road!
Its hella fice!


Dude, it's some fice ass weather out there!


A robot high-five.
"Yeah, 001010010111101, I went to fice him but he totally went for a 01001 fist bump instead..."


Fake ice, like the kind used in a play or the water-filled plastic cubes bought for decoration in a drink.
Sam: Hey! Its amazing how that ice doesnt ever melt...

Brian: That's cause its fice you idiot...


A small silent fart.
Yukk what's that smell?" "Sorry mate, I farted." "But I didn't hear anything?" "Cause it was a Fice!" "Mate thats mank.


a tourettes-like expression of negative connotation. can also be used as a substitude for f***.

clearly invented by meghan degu along with hayley caper
Fice off!
Fice you!
Fice all! (when you're angry in general)
You are a ficing retard


A super element that forms when ice is placed on a rug burn. It creates an extremly painful sensation that is known to cause discomfort.
After I won that field hockey game last night, I made the terrible mistake of putting ice on my rugburn, and man did I get some major fice pain.


The plural of the word "face".
"one mouse, two mice. Therefore: one face, two fice."




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