

俚语 amazonian


(n.) A tall, powerful woman.
The amazonian ate the nerd.


A girl or woman with a large amount of pubic hair.
"Shit man, that girl was a fucking amazonian!"

Person 1 : "Hey mate, I hear your girl-friend is an amazonian"

Person 2 : "Shut up!"


A person who frequently shops on Amazon.com.
I heard Jessica buys her groceries from Amazon! What an amazonian

Amazonian Slamjob

1. When a girl violently beats your dick until you cry

2. A violent handjob
"Yo bro I got an amazonian slamjob last night."
"Damn bruh that sucks."

amazonian masterhood

Phrase first coined by the great Al Bundy, referring to the oppressive dominance of life wrecking women. Led to the creation of No Ma'am, the National Organization of Men Against Amazonian Masterhood.
I'm sick of my ugly, lazy wife. I'm joining No Ma'am and taking a stand against amazonian masterhood!

Amazonian Firefighter

When a man is about to ejaculate, he pulls out, lights the girl's pubic hair on fire and puts it out with his semen.
It was so hot when Rodney pulled out the Amazonian Firefighter on Jessica. (No Pun Intended)

Amazonian Girl

A girl with the most exquisite looks. One that stands out in a room full of females. Has exotic features, curly fro, Stary eyes, amazing bubble butt, nice boobs and big thick lips. Also a woman that can hold her own, very athletic and Independent. Sparkly personality.
I was walking through the club when I saw this Amazonian girl named Jaq with a lime green bra. She was the most exotic looking woman I've ever saw I was Star struck for weeks.




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