

俚语 figgy


For use as a noun, verb, or adj; it can stand for anything. If it sounds like it will fit a situation, it does.
There's figgy everywhere!!

That was a figgy-fail.

He figgied all over her face.

He's getting his figgy on.

He whipped his figgy out.


Head shot/ face shot
I was all fun and games till he got hit in his figgy.


Short for figuratively because its too hard to say. And saying that you are "literally about to die" is dumb because you are not ACTUALLY going to die you are figuratively going to die.
Louisa: "How was the English Essay"
Hana: "So fucking hard my mum is figgy going to kill me"


A nickname for anybody with the last name Figueroa preferably a boy
"Ay Figgy" yo Figgy going ham


To act strange or unlike a normal human.

Alternative definition: broke as fuck
1st: "Conor was trying to stab a rock into a tree yesterday, it was quite figgy of him"

2nd: "Why are you shopping in lidl?? That's pure figgy"


Shouting this name from your car to a random guy who is exercising or walking with a group of people. Normally you would do it to a fat guy and complimenting him that if he lost weight and that he looks good while making a John Travolta impersonation.
Guy in car: "Hey Figgy, is that you man? Oh my God you lost weight Figgy, you look good!"

"Figgy": confused and wonders if you're talking about him.


let me get all of this straight everyone. Its short for the last name Figliola. Get it right bitches.
Yo wuddup Figgy




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更新时间:2024/9/20 6:49:15