

俚语 filliophilia


- An extreme love, sexual attraction, and desire to marry, date, and have sex with Nathan Fillion. (Not specifically in that order.)

-This is common in women who watch or have seen the shows Castle, Firefly, One Life To Live, Season 4 of Desperate Housewives, or any other number of Nathan Fillion’s works.

Symptoms Include:
- Reoccurring sexual thoughts about Nathan Fillion
- Drooling due to an extreme exposure of sexiness
- Feeling the need to watch and rewatch anything that involves Nathan Fillion at all
- Uncontrollable daydreaming about Nathan Fillion
- Spontaneous squealing at attractive photos of Nathan Fillion
- An abnormal (and in some cases unhealthy) desire to meet, or be in the same room as, Nathan Fillion
“I love her to death but it’s hard to hang out with her because all she

wants to do is watch and talk about Castle and Nathan Fillion;

clearly she suffers from Filliophilia.”

“I knew I was doomed the second I started watching Castle; now I

have no social life and suffer from Filliophilia! Well, I wouldn’t say

suffer, I enjoy every second of it!”


- An extreme love, sexual attraction, and desire to marry, date, and have sex with Nathan Fillion. (Not specifically in that order.)
-This is common in women who watch or have seen the shows Castle, Firefly, One Life To Live, Season 4 of Desperate Housewives, or any other number of Nathan Fillion’s works.

Symptoms Include:
- Reoccurring sexual thoughts about Nathan Fillion
- Drooling due to an extreme exposure of sexiness
- Feeling the need to watch and rewatch anything that involves Nathan Fillion at all
- Uncontrollable daydreaming about Nathan Fillion
- Spontaneous squealing at attractive photos of Nathan Fillion
- An abnormal (and in some cases unhealthy) desire to meet, or be in the same room as, Nathan Fillion
“I love her to death but it’s hard to hang out with her because all she

wants to do is watch and talk about Castle and Nathan Fillion;

clearly she suffers from Filliophilia.”

“I knew I was doomed the second I started watching Castle; now I

have no social life and suffer from Filliophilia! Well, I wouldn’t say

suffer, I enjoy every second of it!”




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更新时间:2024/9/21 5:30:18