

俚语 amberism


Believing In Amber as our one and only god. We believe he is the greatest of all, and no one comes before him. He is also very funny.
Man: Hey! What’s your religion? Mine is Christianity!

Me: Oh hey! My religion is Amberism!

Man: ...


Commonly known as "King", Amber is one of the nicest people on the planet. She can put up with tons of BS, and rarely gets angry at anyone. A brilliant student, but an even better friend. I recommend finding someone like her, the world needs more Ambers.
"You know what, Amber? You're amazing"


Beautiful, adorable girl always makes you smile when You don't want to smile at all. If your friends with her your Lucky and if you aren't than your a very stupid person and should meet her.
Person 1 "omg who is that she is so pretty
Person 2 " that's just Amber"


The best friend you could ever have sweet, caring and loving. If you know a Amber your lucky to know her and never forget her. Sporty, Admirable and sometimes a tomboy but at the end of the day she's the best person on the planet and never ever lose her. The smile and the looks create popularity but she doesn't get carried away with it, instead she stays loyal to her friends and never says die and will always stay on your side, no matter what. Amber will never turn on you, the best attitude you will see comes from Amber. Never ever doubt an Amber. They come with many, and many I say memories that you and Amber with remember forever.

For All Friends, Parents or Amber's. You will be loved forever.
You "Look at that girl, so caring!"
Friend "She must be a Amber!"


Amber is a beautiful,hot,sexy girl. She may act shy around others and be quiet but once you get to know her she is the most fun bubbly enthusiastic person on earth.she is very very good at keeping secrets you can tell her anything and she won't tell anyone ever. Ambers are typically very very strong and work out often they take sports very seriously they will push themselves to there maximum to achieve there physical goals. Ambers have runs of friends and many guys chasing after them when ambers get involved with relationships they take it very serious and what it to be real not fake they love to be hugged and kissed.you are very very lucky if you are dating an amber. Many girls get jealous of them
Damn that girls an amber i want to be with her


Ambers are amazing friends without them the world would fall apart. When ever something is wrong in your life amber is there to help you threw it. She's your own personal counselor whatever you need she has it. She doesn't always pick winner boyfriends but her best friend (usually male) (and usually by the name of jack) has her back. Life isn't complete with out an amber in it.
Person 1: is that an amber?
Person 2: yes, she's my best friend.


Amber is a very smart, curvy, beautiful women. Whenever she walks into a room everyone notices her and stares. Amber doesn't normally think she is attractive, and is sometimes self concious. People either want to be her, or be friends with her. Every guy drools over her beauty.
Guy: damn, did you see that girls (booty)? Must be an Amber
Guy #2: yes, she definitely is, what an amazing smile




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更新时间:2024/9/20 3:14:19