

俚语 finger flicking

finger flicking

A sexy thing that girls with big tits to do make guys horny. They take their fingers and flick their nipples and make them hard before getting in bed. Better to do when licked.
Jeez, her balloons are huge, I wanna see her finger flicking!!

finger/ flick off

back in medieval days ( horsez and shit) when english invaders captured british archers they would cut off thier middle finger so they were unable to sling arrows. British archers on top of castles would stick up thier middle fingers to the english as a sort of "havn't got me yet sad fuckers!!!" so now it continues as a "fuck you" in europe and the US
that jackass just fucking cut me off!!!! ( sticks up middle finger)

hand flick finger slap

The action of holding your thumb to your middle and ring finger and leaving your index finger free to slap against the middle finger, creating a very sharp clicking noise in rapid succesion (speed varies by agility with performing the hand flick finger slap).

the action of 'hand flick finger slapping' is usually used when saying the word 'sick' or 'brap' or it can even be used with non-verbal accompanyment when you are excited and have no other outlet to let the world know that what you just experienced was too good for words.
D: mate did you just hand flick finger slap?

J: yeah i did, what's up with that? I finger slap all day bruh, what's your problem?




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