

俚语 finger of death

finger of death

A Dungeons and Dragons spell. Finger of death is a spell wizards and sorcerers can learn and cast as a level 6 spell and druids can cast a level 7 spell. It is cast on one living target, which has to make a fortitude saving throw or die immediately. Targets which make a successful fortitude save take 3d6 points of damage plus 1 point per level of the caster, up to 3d6 + 25. A target with a sufficiently low amount of hit points can die even if a successful fortitude save is made.
I'm having a lucky streak: the most difficult creature I encounter between resting periods always fails its fortitude save when I give it the finger of death :D

Four Fingers of Death

A nickname for the US MRE (meal ready to eat) menu #6, officially named simply "Frankfurters", produced from the 1980s until the early 2000s.
The name comes from the main course, which consists of 4 horrible, rancid frankfurter hot dogs. Also included in this menu are an equally abhorrent fudge bar, mediocre beans in tomato sauce, and apple jelly with crackers, in addition to the standard accessory packet.
Private 1 - "Aw shit, I just got the Four Fingers of Death"
Private 2 - "Ah shit man, that sucks. I hope the latrine is free for you in an hour or two"

The Magic Finger of death

Magic Finger is the act of rubbing your finger on your butthole making it stinky. Then rubbing it just below the enemies nostrils. Making the smell of poo inescapable. This act must only be used as a last resort due to the severity of the cruel act. The magic finger of death is commonly put on the same level as the nuclear bomb that hit hiroshima
Man 1: *wipes The Magic Finger of death across nostrils*
Man 1: My magical finger is too powerful, too stinky, like my smelly bumhole

five finger anal death punch

Where you jab your hand up someone else's ass, but then, quickly forming your hand into a fist before it hits the anus. The resulting impact kills the person instantly. Ideal for a KO move.
Inspired by the term "anal death punch" and the band "Five Finger Death Punch" (an amalgamation of each phrase).
*InsertNameHere* gives person B a five finger anal death punch. B drops dead almost immediately.

one finger death punch

When you put your finger in someone else's bum too hard they will get the "One finger death punch".
Girl: Don't one finger death punch me!

Five Finger Death Punch

A classic amongst the Kyle's, Bootlicker's, and the "I was going to join the Marines but-*insert fake health condition*" crowd, Five Finger Death Punch is essentially Pantera with an extra chromosome. Their specialty is pandering to people who love veterans, in order to keep what little relevance they have. Their target audience is comprised of people who can't read, people who want to claim they listen to "metal" without listening to metal, and people who just want to appear strong to make up for their slow learning abilities. The only bright spot of this band is that their guitarist is pretty good, but that is frequently overshadowed by news of Ivan Moody (frontman) playing hopscotch between different rehab facilities. When it comes to songwriting, let's just say the ABC's has a more complex lyrical makeup and song structure than just about everything this band has put out. It could be worse though; They could be Trapt.
"Did you hear that new Five Finger Death Punch song?"
"Which one? The one where Ivan sings about eating blue crayons? Or the one where he sings about eating green crayons?"

Five Finger Death Punch

A hardcore metal band that, if listened to correctly, can relieve stress and anger.
Five Finger Death Punch's first album "The Way Of The Fist" was such a kickass album! Beforehand, I wanted to take a pickaxe and go to Burger King, but now I feel absolutely fine!!




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